I have a new piece of work to share. I've had this one in the works for some time now. Its done and I'm ready to do another. As of late, I have had a lot of things on my plate. I have been trying to put a hold on new projects temporarily until I can clear the table of at least some of the things collecting dust the need very little to finish. This is not to say they aren't important to me or of value. Sometimes things just get cluttered.

This isn't the first Carved piece I have done. My inspiration for this comes from a wood working artist named Jacques Vesery. I like the finished texture and look of his work. I love trees and their leaves as well. growing up, I spent a good deal of time doing landscaping work. Working with trees was my favorite. The leaves at various stages on their life cycle and how different they could be is something to pay attention to. Jacques Vesery pieces that got me started on carving clay I think might have been more feathers than leaves. I want to develop this more but I think I'm off to a good start.

The first vase I carved had smaller leaves and was very low relief in surface variations. After Glazing I decided it needed more dimension. for so glazing wouldn't wash out the surface and the look I'm going for. So far all of these carved pieces are being fired to cone 5-6. There's no reason not to take it up to high fire. I'm just sticking with mid fire range. Normally, I actually high fire 95 percent of my work. I'm trying to broaden my range and skills. well have to try some of theses in different methods. Eventually, Id like to try some in Wood, Soda, and salt firing. here are some other carved pieces I have been practicing on.

The Glaze is my own creation. I found a cone 10 glaze in a book I like the name more than the color. I have been running test on the colorants in different cone 10 and 6 base glazes. Should I share my recipe? I probably will. I don't like how secretive potters are about their work. I don't want to add to that. however. I'm still "testing" this glaze and recipes so maybe I'll hold back from sharing until I have it perfected. I don't want to share something that not fool proof.

As always, I love comments and ideas.
Thanks for looking and enjoy


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