
So recently I was going through my portfolio looking at images of my past work. As it turns out I've lost most of my images. That's what happens when you depend on technology. At the least I should have had some a back up somewhere else. So I don't have very many images of my work. I guess I'll have to make some more. In the meantime for some reason I've been in a mood thinking about bottles. Bottles have something interesting about them. They store things, keep things, transport things, and they take on the soul of their intended purpose. I won't get too philosophical so here are some bottles for you to look at.

This first bottle reminds me of what might have been something like a pirate bomb. It was simple enough to make, but put anything in a wood, salt, or soda kiln, and you get very interesting unique results. This bottle was fired and in a wood kiln and it was very close to the firebox. As a result you can see all the Ash buildup and even some crusty leftovers. To many this bottle may look ugly. However there is an old way of thinking. Even the ugly has beauty. Of all the bottles I have made thus far, this is my favorite. 

I won't go through and describe each bottle, but with some you'll see similarities. Sometimes the difference is just its placement in the kiln, or if it was soda and salt fired. Perhaps it's the same form with a handle and spout. One is even very large at over four feet tall.

Lastly, Something in progress. 


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